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Monday, 8th January 2007, 4.15pm

Themes: Strategies and Enterprise

Fiona Bannon
Head of School of Arts and New Media, University of Hull
Erik Bohemia
Reader in Three Dimensional Design Studies at the School of Design, Northumbria University.
Berto Pandolfo, Kerry Harman
University of Technology, Sydney
Rediscovering Apprenticeship Models in Design Education
Celia Burgess-Macey
Goldsmiths, University of London
Carnivalesque disruption-working against the grain in Initial Teacher Education
Paul Coyle
Head of College, University College for the Creative Arts at Farnham
Nigel Crowle
Writer, teaches writing at UWIC, Cardiff
Ruth Dineen
UWIC, Cardiff
Anne Hill, Nick Morton
UCE Birmingham, National Teaching Fellows
Karl Jeffries
University of Central Lancashire
Silke Lange
University of Westminster
Joanne S Lymn, Martyn P Kingsbury
University of Nottingham, Imperial College London

Monday, 8th January 2007, 5.00pm

Themes: Enhancing Creativity and Assessment

A Collis, A Hiley and J A Wilson
University of Manchester
Jane Davison
Associate Dean, University of Wales, Newport School of Art, Media and Design
Patrick O. Ezepue
Sheffield Hallam University
Critical Thinking Skills, Problem-Based Learning and Innovations in Teaching Business Intelligence
Roger Griffiths
UWIC, Cardiff
Conformity or Creativity? - Assessing Student Aptitude in Product Design
Matthias Hardinghaus
Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge
Ian Horton
Cambridge School of Art, Anglia Ruskin University
Jolanta Jagiello
Middlesex University
Maria Karanika, Rolf Wiesemes
University of Nottingham
Tim McClellan
Southampton Solent University
Lucia Rampino, Matteo O. Ingaramo
Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Tuesday, 9th January 2007, 4.15pm

Themes: Strategies and Enterprise

Patricia S. Lynch
Clinical Professor, Texas A&M University
Eiman Al Ansari
Assistant Professor, Educational Science, University of Qatar
Joseph F McCullagh, Carol Jones, Yvonne Watson
Nottingham Trent University
Jane Magill, Scott Roy
University of Glasgow
Andy Milligan, Cynthia Mohr, Brigid Collins
University of Dundee,University of North Texas
Edel Moore
University of Leeds
How to kill creativity - 10 Easy Steps
Jessica Moriarty, Maria Antoniou
Univ. of Brighton
Jane Helen Nicol, Maria Kavanagh
Institute of Health, Social Care and Psychology University of Worcester
Vesselina Penevska
New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria
Creative Teaching Methods: How to develop teaching exercises that enhance learning
Kerry Walton, Nick Rogers
Loughborough University School of Art & Design
Ahsen Özsoy
Professor, Istanbul Technical University/EUA Socrates Creative City:Region Project

Tuesday, 9th January 2007, 5.00pm

Themes: Enhancing Creativity and Assessment

Nathan Roberts
Cardiff University
AJ Senior
University of Liverpool
David Smith
Reader in Creative Industries, Associate Dean, Research and Enterprise
Newport School of Art, Media and Design
It's Not Teaching – It's a PhD!
Mary Steadman
De Montfort University, Bedford
Penelope Tobin
Founder/Director of Barrier Breakers
Breaking Down Barriers – Building Up Creativity: Barrier Breakers methodology for developing creativity in education
Shelley Tracey
Queen's University Belfast
Morag Turnbull, Dave Wilson
Glasgow Caledonian University
Alison Williams, Timothy Collinson
Southampton Solent University
Spreading the creativity bug
Keren Williamson
University of Wales College of Medicine
LI-juing Wu
Professor of Education, National Taipei University of Education